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  • 88858cc永利官网讲座教授-教育部长江学者特聘教授-张振宇


    精密与特种加工教育部重点实验室 主要从事精密超精密加工工艺与装备,增减材工艺与装备研发。

  • 详细资料






    1/2015-现在 大连理工大学机械工程学院,教授






    · 超精密磨削

    · 化学机械抛光

    · 纳米精度表面制造

    · 纳米摩擦学

    · 纳米力学


    · 长江特聘教授(2020)

    · “大连理工大学高性能精密制造创新团队”国家科技进步一等奖(创新团队)10/15 (2020)

    · 国防科技创新特区重点项目专家组专家(2019-2021)

    · 大连理工大学星海杰青(2020)

    · 辽宁省优秀科技工作者(2018)

    · 辽宁省高等学校创新人才(2018)

    · 辽宁省优秀硕士学位论文指导教师(2017)

    · 辽宁省百千万人才工程百人层次(2016)

    · 大连市杰出青年科技人才(2016)

    · 大连市优秀科技工作者(2016)

    · 教育部首届青年长江学者(2016)

    · 大连理工大学首届星海青千(A类)(2016)

    · 浙江省千人计划特聘专家 (2015)

    · 浙江省宁波市“3315”团队负责人(2015)

    · 大连理工大学第二届星海杰青(2015)

    · 常州市杰出创新人才(2015)

    · 国家优秀青年科学基金(2014)

    · 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划(2013)

    · 大连市后备领军人才(2012)

    · 辽宁省百千万人才工程千人层次(2009)

    · 澳大利亚昆士兰大学博士后奖学金(2009)

    · 清华大学优秀博士后奖(2008)

    · 宝钢教育奖(2005)



    · 绍兴市人才,500-2000万,2020-2022

    · 南太湖人才,500万,2020-2022



    · 大连理工大学星海杰青200万,2019-2022

    · 国家重点研发计划“纳米结构超硬材料组织和性能调控与精密成形加工”,2018YFA0703400,89.8万,2019-2024

    · 大型复杂薄壁构件高精度加工研究,北京卫星制造厂有限公司,107万,2019-2020

    · 离心压缩机叶轮高质高效研磨抛光一体化抛光液研制及工艺研究,沈阳透平机械股份有限公司,55万,2018-2019

    · 蠕墨铸铁切削技术研究及推广应用,潍柴动力股份有限公司,170万,2019-2020


    · 辽宁省高等学校创新人才支持计划(LR2016006)(10万)超精密加工技术2017-2019

    · 大连市杰出青年科技人才项目 (2016RJ05)(100万)纳米深度损伤层高效超精密磨削新方法2017-2018

    · 教育部首届长江学者奖励计划青年学者(30万)2016-2019

    · 大连理工大学首届星海青千(A类)(175万)2016-2020

    · 浙江省宁波市“3315”创新团队负责人(500万)2015-2019

    · 国家优秀青年科学基金(51422502)(100万)超精密加工工艺与装备2015-2017

    · 国家自然科学基金委重大研究计划培育项目(91123013)(60万)纳米磨削诱导新型半导体薄膜表面纳米晶化材料去除机理的研究2012-2014

    · 国家自然科学基金委青年基金(50805017)(20万)特殊功能晶体CdZnTe超光滑无损伤化学机械抛光2009-2011

    · 浙江省千人计划(200万)2016-2017

    · 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划(NCET-13-0086)(50万)超精密加工工艺与装备2014-2016

    · 大连理工大学星海杰青(200万)2015-2018

    · 澳大利亚昆士兰大学博士后奖学金(300,000澳币)(1/2/2010-31/1/2013, (2009001807)(按照当时汇率约195万人民币)Nano-scale removal mechanism and fabrcation methods for soft-brittle CZT and MCT crystals,Australia UQ Postdoctoral Research Fellowship

    · 中国博士后科学基金一等资助(20060390064)(5万)高温抗氧化、耐磨、减摩复合涂层制备及摩擦学研究2007-2008

    · 教育部博士点新教师基金(200801411022)(3.6万) 特殊功能晶体CdZnTe高效超精密化学机械磨削2009-2011

    · 辽宁省创新团队基金(2008T222)(8万)碲锌镉软脆功能晶体高效超精密加工理论与技术研究2009-2010

    · 辽宁省博士启动基金(20071083)(4万)La2O3掺杂DLC纳米薄膜的摩擦学性能研究2008-2009

    · 大连市科技计划专项(2009A18GX014)(20万)基于芯片制造的超薄硅片晶圆超窄缝切割关键技术2010-2011

    · 大连理工大学优秀青年基金(DUT13YQ109)(20万)超精密加工工艺与装备2014-2015



    ·Associate Editor, Applied Nanoscience (SCI IF: 2.88)

    ·Associate Editor, Frontiers in Nanotechnology (Switzerland)

    ·Editorial Board Member, Scientific Reports (SCI IF: 3.998)

    ·Editorial Board Member, Friction (SCI IF: 5.29)

    ·Editorial Board Member, Industrial Lubrication and Tribology (SCI IF: 0.798)

    ·Editorial Board Member, Materials Today Sustainability (Elsevier, SCI)

    ·Guest Editor-in-Chief, Ultraprecision Machining, Nanomanufacturing, Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Applied Nanoscience (IF: 2.88)

    ·Guest Editor-in-Chief, Machining, Mechanics and Tribology, Industrial Lubrication and Tribology (SCI IF: 0.798)

    · 中国机械工程学会高级会员


    以第一成果人获得国家发明专利 27 项:



















    (19)张振宇 , 廖 龙 兴 , 孟 昭 航 , 一 种 整 体 叶 轮 加 工 的 夹 具装 置 ,ZL201910147850.7,授权公告日,2021年1月19日。










    1. Zhenyu Zhang, Junfeng Cui, Bo Wang, Dongming Guo, Method for moving and transferring nanowires using tapered hair of diameter on micron range, US 10746760B2, Date of patent, 18 August, 2020.

    2. Zhenyu Zhang, Junfeng Cui, Leilei Chen, Dongming Guo, Self-healing method for fractured SiC amorphous nanowires, US 10801933B2, 13 October, 2020.

    3. Zhenyu Zhang, Junfeng Cui, Yuefeng Du, Dongming Guo, Self-healing method for fractured SiC single crystal nanowires, US 10942099B2, 9 March, 2021.


    (1) ZY Zhang and JB Luo, Diamond-like Carbon Coatings, Q. Jane Wang, Yip-Wah Chung (Editors-in-Chief), Encyclopedia of Tribology, 742-751, Springer, September 26, 2013. (Invited)

    (2) ZY Zhang, B Wang and Dongming Guo, Soft-Brittle Semiconductors Polishing with Environment-Friendly Slurries, Section: Abrasive/Tip-Based Machining Technology, J. Yan (ed.), Micro and Nano Fabrication Technology, Springer, 2018, 421-444. (Invited)


    1. Q Zhang, HM Yan, ZY Zhang, JP Luo, N Yin, ZC Tan, Q Shi, Thermal analysis and heat capacity study of even-numbered fatty alcohol (C12H25OH-C18H37OH) phase change materials for thermal energy storage applications, Materials Today Sustainability, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mtsust.2021.100064

    2. PL Gao, TT Liu, ZY Zhang, FN Meng, RP Ye, J Liu, Non-spherical Abrasives with Ordered Mesoporous Structures for Chemical Mechanical Polishing,SCIENCE CHINA Materials, https://doi.org/10.1007/s40843-021-1680-2

    3. YF Du, ZY Zhang, D Wang, LZ Zhang, JF Cui, YP Chen, ML Wu, RY Kang, YX Lu, JH Yu, N Jiang, Enhanced tribological properties of aligned graphene-epoxy composites, Friction, https://doi.org/10.1007/s40544-021-0496-2.

    4. LX Liao, ZY Zhang, FN Meng, DD Liu, J Liu, YB Li, XX Cui, Novel rotary chemical mechanical polishing on an integral impeller, Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 66 (2021) 198-210.

    5. DD Liu, ZY Zhang, LL Chen, D Wang, JF Cui, KK Chang, DM Guo, In situ TEM nanoindentation-induced new nanostructure in cadmium zinc telluride, Nanoscale, 13 (2021) 7169-7175.

    6. LH Wang, DD Liu, F Zhang, ZY Zhang, JF Cui, ZH Jia, ZB Yu, YQ Lv, W Liu, Dynamics of the charging-induced imaging instability in transmission electron microscope, Nanoscale Advances, 2021, DOI: 10.1039/D1NA00140J.

    7. LL Chen, ZY Zhang, K Xu, KK Chang, New thermodynamic interpretation of T0 curves in glass forming alloys, Materials Letters, 289 (2021) 129415.

    8. R Tang, SJ Zhou, ZY Zhang, RK Zheng, J Huang, Engineering nanostructure-interface of photoanode materials toward photoelectrochemical water oxidation, Advanced Materials, 2021, 2005389.

    9. ZY Zhang, PL Gao, Y Lu, Editorial: special issue“ultraprecision 2019”, Applied Nanoscience, 11 (2021) 735.

    10.郜培丽,张振宇,王冬,张乐振,徐光宏,孟凡宁,谢文祥,毕胜。绿色环保化学机械抛光液的研究进展,物理学报Acta Phys. Sin.,70 (2021) 068101.

    11. ZY Zhang, J Liu, W Hu, LZ Zhang, WX Xie, LX Liao, Chemical mechanical polishing for sapphire wafers using a developed slurry, Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 62 (2021) 762-771.

    12. ZY Zhang, YF Du, CH Zhu, LC Guo, Y Lu, JH Yu, IP Parkin, JH Zhao, DM Guo, Unprecedented enhancement of wear resistance for epoxy-resin graphene composites, Nanoscale, 13 (2021) 2855-2867. Front Cover

    13. FN Meng, ZY Zhang, PL Gao, RY Kang, Y Boyjoo, JH Yu, TT Liu, Excellent tribological properties of epoxy—Ti3C2 with three-dimensional nanosheets composites. Friction 9 (2021) 734-746. Back Cover

    14. FN Meng, ZY Zhang, PL Gao, D Chevella, TT Liu, Deformation-induced silicon nanostructures, APL Materials, 8 (2020) 090702.

    15. WX Xie, ZY Zhang, LX Liao, J Liu, HJ Su, SD Wang, DM Guo, Green chemical mechanical polishing of sapphire wafers using a novel slurry, Nanoscale, 2020, 12 (2020) 22518-22526. Front Cover

    16. LX Liao, ZY Zhang, J Liu, YB Li, XX Cui, L Liu, A novel process of chemical mechanical polishing for FV520B steel, Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 59 (2020) 51-57.

    17. ZY Zhang, DD Liu, FW Huo, SL Huang, JF Cui, Y Lu, IP Parkin, DM Guo, Self-healing on mismatched fractured composite surfaces of SiC with a diameter of 180 nm, Nanoscale, 12 (2020) 19617-19627. Inside Front Cover

    18. GC Song, RY Kang, LC Guo, Zulfiqar Ali, XY Chen, ZY Zhang, C Yan, CT Lin, N Jiang, JH Yu, Highly flexible few-layer Ti3C2 MXene/cellulose nanofiber heat-spreader films with enhanced thermal conductivity, New Journal of Chemistry, 44 (2020) 7186-7193.

    19. XB Han, ZY Zhang, ZM Liu, C Xu, XW Lu, L Sun, P Jiang, Effects of thickness on thermoelectric properties of Bi0.5Sb1.5Te3 thin films. Applied Nanoscience 10, (2020) 2375–2381.

    20. Guo LZ, Zhang ZY, Li MH, Kang RY, Chen YP, Song GC, Han ST, Lin CT, Jiang N, Yu JH, Extremely high thermal conductivity of carbon fiber/epoxy with synergistic effect of MXenes by freeze-drying, Composites Communications, 19 (2020) 134-141.

    21. FN Meng, Z Ding, XD Meng, XN Ai, ZY Zhang, W Ma, Y Boyjoo, K Wang, Research on different cooling methods in the machining of CGI and GCI, Applied Nanoscience, 10, (2020) 2177–2188.

    22. ZY Zhang, YF Du, SL Haung, FN Meng, LL Chen, WX Xie, KK Chang, CH Zhang, Y Lu, CT Lin, SZ Li, IP Parkin, DM Guo, Macroscale superlubricity enabled by graphene coated surfaces, Advanced Science, 7 (2020) 1903239.

    Back Cover

    23. ZY Zhang, LX Liao, XZ Wang, WX Xie, DM Guo, Development of a novel chemical mechanical polishing slurry and its polishing mechanisms on a nickel alloy, Applied Surface Science, 506 (2020) 144670.

    24. FN Meng, ZY Zhang, PL Gao, TT Liu, Y Boyjoo, DM Guo, Design of composite abrasives and substrate materials for chemical mechanical polishing applications, Applied Nanoscience, 10 (2020) 1379-1393.

    25. ZY Zhang, A Rosenkranz, Covers all automotive and industrial applications of lubricants Category: Mechanical and Materials Engineering, Industrial Lubrication and Tribology, 71 (2019) 629-629.

    26. JF Cui, ZY Zhang, DD Liu, DL Zhang, W Hu, Li Zou, Y Lu, C Zhang, HH Lu, C

    Tang, N Jiang, IP Parkin, DM Guo, Unprecedented Piezoresistance Coefficient in

    Strained Silicon Carbide, Nano Letters, 19 (2019) 6569-6576.

    27. RY Kang, ZY Zhang, LC Guo, JF Cui, YP Chen, X Hou, B Wang, CT Lin, N Jiang, JH Yu, Enhanced thermal conductivity of epoxy composites filled with 2D transition metal carbides (MXenes) with ultralow loading, Scientific Reports, 9 (2019) 9135.

    28. JF Cui, ZY Zhang, HY Jiang, DD Liu, L Zou, XG Guo, Y Lu, I Parkin, DM Guo, Ultrahigh Recovery of Fracture Strength on Mismatched Fractured Amorphous Surfaces of Silicon Carbide, ACS Nano 13 (2019) 7483-7492.

    29. ZY Zhang, JF Cui, KK Chang, DD Liu, GX Chen, N Jiang, DM Guo, Deformation induced new pathways in silicon, Nanoscale, 11 (2019) 9862-9868.

    Front Cover

    30. ZY Zhang, FN Meng, JF Cui, B Wang, ZG Wang, Y Lu, HU Hassan, DM Guo, Deformation induced complete amorphization at nanoscale in a bulk silicon, AIP Advances, 9 (2019) 025101.

    31. LL Chen, ZY Zhang, YY Huang, JF Cui, ZX Deng, HK Zou, KK Chang, Thermodynamic description of the Fe-Cu-C system, Calphad, 64 (2019) 225-235.

    32. ZY Zhang, JF Cui, JB Zhang, DD Liu, ZJ Yu, DM Guo, Environment friendly chemical mechanical polishing of copper, Applied Surface Science, 467-468 (2019) 5-11.

    33. SL Huang, ZY Zhang, C Xu, ZW Zhu, JF Cui, B Wang, Origin and evolution of a fivefold twin on the surface of a nickel alloy, Materials Letters, 229 (2018) 111-113.

    34. B Wang, ZY Zhang, KK Chang, JF Cui, A Rosenkranz, JH Yu, CT Lin, GX Chen, KT Zang, J Luo, N Jiang, DM Guo, New deformation-induced nanostructure in silicon, Nano Letters 18 (2018) 4611-4617.

    35. ZY Zhang, JF Cui, B Wang, HY Jiang, GX Chen, JH Yu, CT Lin, C Tang, AHartmaier, JJ Zhang, J Luo, A. Rosenkranz, N Jiang, DM Guo, In situ TEM observation of rebonding on fractured silicon carbide, Nanoscale, 10 (2018) 6261-6269.

    Front Cover

    36. LC Guo, ZY Zhang, RY Kang, YP Chen, X Hou, YM Wu, MJ Wang, B Wang, JF Cui, N Jiang, CT Lin, JH Yu, Enhanced thermal conductivity of epoxy composites filled will tetrapod-shaped ZnO, RSC Advances, 8 (2018) 12337-12343.

    37. LC Guo, ZY Zhang, HY Sun, D Dai, JF Cui, MZ Li, Y Xu, MS Xu, YF Du, N Jiang, F Huang, CT Lin, Direct formation of wafer-scale single-layer graphene films on the rough surface substrate by PECVD, Carbon, 129 (2018) 456-461.

    38. B Wang, ZY Zhang, JF Cui, N Jiang, JL Lyu, GX Chen, J Wang, ZD Liu, JH Yu, CT Lin, F Ye, DM Guo, In Situ TEM Study of Interaction between Dislocations and a Single Nanotwin under Nanoindentation, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 9 (2017) 29451-29456.

    39. ZY Zhang, YF Du, B Wang, ZG Wang, RK Kang, DM Guo, Nanoscale wear layers on silicon wafers induced by mechanical chemical grinding, Tribology Letters, 65 (2017) 132.

    40. ZY Zhang, ZF Shi, YF Du, ZJ Yu, LC Guo, DM Guo, A novel approach of chemical mechanical polishing for a titanium alloy using an environment-friendly slurry, Applied Surface Science, 427 (2018) 409-415.

    41. ZY Zhang, JF Cui, B Wang, ZG Wang, RK Kang, DM Guo, A novel approach of mechanical chemical grinding, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 726 (2017) 514-524.

    42. ZY Zhang, SL Huang, SC Wang, B Wang, Q Bai, B Zhang, RK Kang, DM Guo, A novel approach of high-performance grinding using developed diamond wheels, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 91 (2017) 3315-3326.

    43. ZY Zhang, SL Huang, LL Chen, B Wang, B Wen, B Zhang, DM Guo, Ultrahigh hardness on a face-centered cubic metal, Applied Surface Science, 416 (2017) 891-900. 2015 SCI IF:3.15

    44. ZY Zhang, SL Huang, LL Chen, ZW Zhu, DM Guo, Formation mechanism of fivefold deformation twins in a face-centered cubic alloy, Scientific Reports, 7 (2017) 45405. 2015 SCI IF:5.228

    45. ZY Zhang, LC Guo, JF Cui, B Wang, RK Kang, DM Guo, Nanoscale solely amorphous layer in silicon wafers induced by a newly developed diamond wheel, Scientific Reports, 6 (2016) 35269. 2015 SCI IF:5.228

    46. ZY Zhang, B Wang, SL Huang, B Wen, S Yang, B Zhang, CT Lin, N Jiang, ZM Jin, DM Guo, A novel approach to fabricating a nanotwinned surface on a ternary nickel alloy, Materials & Design, 106 (2016) 313-320. 2015 SCI IF:3.997

    47. ZY Zhang, B Wang, P Zhou, RK Kang, B Zhang, DM Guo, A novel approach of chemical mechanical polishing for cadmium zinc telluride wafers, Scientific Reports, 6 (2016) 26891. 2015 SCI IF:5.228

    48. ZY Zhang, B Wang, P Zhou, DM Guo, RK Kang, B Zhang, A novel approach of chemical mechanical polishing using environment-friendly slurry for mercury cadmium telluride semiconductors, Scientific Reports, 6 (2016) 22466. 2015 SCI IF:5.228

    49. ZY Zhang, DM Guo, B Wang, RK Kang, B Zhang, A novel approach of high speed scratching on silicon wafers at nanoscale depths of cut, Scientific Reports,5 (2015) 16395. 2015 SCI IF:5.228

    50. ZY Zhang, S Yang, DM Guo, BY Yuan, XG Guo, B Zhang, YX Huo, Deformation twinning evolution from a single crystal in a face-centered-cubic ternary alloy, Scientific Reports, 5 (2015) 11290. 2015 SCI IF:5.228

    51. ZY Zhang, B Wang, RK Kang, B Zhang, DM Guo, Changes in surface layer of silicon wafers from diamond scratching, CIRP Annals-Manufacturing Technology, 64 (2015) 349-352. 2014 SCI IF:2.492

    52. ZY Zhang, ND Duan, B Wang, YX Huo, B Zhang, XZ Zhang, F Ye, Deformation and crack mechanisms of nanotwinned cadmium telluride under cyclic nanoindentations, Scripta Materialia, 93 (2014) 12-15. 2014 SCI IF:3.224

    53. ZY Zhang, S Yang, CG Xu, B Wang, ND Duan, Deformation and stress at pop-in of lithium niobate induced by nanoindentation, Scripta Materialia, 77 (2014) 56-59. 2014 SCI IF:3.224

    54. ZY Zhang, B Wang, XZ Zhang, A maximum in the hardness of nanotwinned cadmium telluride, Scripta Materialia, 72-73 (2014) 39-42. 2014 SCI IF:3.224

    55. ZY Zhang, YX huo, DM Guo, A model for nanogrinding based on direct evidence of ground chips of silicon wafers, Science China-Technological Sciences, 56(9) (2013) 2099-2108. Front Cover 2014 SCI IF:1.192

    56. ZY Zhang, XZ Zhang, XG Guo, F Ye, YX Huo, Hardening mechanism of twin boundaries during nanoindentation of soft-brittle CdTe crystals, Scripta Materialia, 69 (6) (2013) 457-460. 2014 SCI IF:3.224

    57. ZY Zhang, NM Zhang, GJ Ma, RK Kang, Characterization of microstructural stability for nanotwinned mercury cadmium telluride under cyclic nanoindentations, Scripta Materialia, 69 (4) (2013) 299-302. 2014 SCI IF:3.224

    58. ZY Zhang, FY Li, GJ Ma, RK Kang, XG Guo, Ultrahigh hardness and improved ductility for nanotwinned mercury cadmium telluride, Scripta Materialia, 69 (3) (2013) 231-234. 2014 SCI IF:3.224

    59. ZY Zhang, YX Huo, FW Huo, XZ Zhang, L Zhang, DM Guo, Ultrahigh hardness and synergistic mechanism of a nanotwinned structure of cadmium zinc telluride, Scripta Materialia, 68 (9) (2013) 747-750. 2014 SCI IF:3.224

    60. ZY Zhang, XZ Zhang, CG Xu, DM Guo, Characterization of nanoscale chips and a novel model for face nanogrinding on soft-brittle HgCdTe films, Tribology Letters, 49(1), (2013) 203-215. 2014 SCI IF:1.739

    61. ZY Zhang, FW Huo, XZ Zhang, DM Guo, Fabrication and size prediction of crystalline nanoparticles for silicon induced by nanogrinding under ultrafine diamond grits, Scripta Materialia, 67(7-8), (2012) 657-660. 2014 SCI IF:3.224

    62. ZY Zhang, CG Xu, XZ Zhang, DM Guo, Mechanical characteristics of nanocrystalline layers containing nanotwins induced by nanogrinding of soft-brittle CdZnTe single crystals, Scripta Materialia, 67(4), (2012) 392-395.2014 SCI IF:3.224

    63. ZY Zhang, YX Song, CG Xu, DM Guo, A novel model for undeformed nanometer chips of soft-brittle HgCdTe films induced by ultrafine diamond grits, Scripta Materialia, 67(2), (2012) 197-200. 2014 SCI IF:3.224

    64. ZY Zhang, YX Song, FW Huo, DM Guo, Nanoscale material removal mechanism of soft-brittle HgCdTe single crystals under nanogrinding by ultrafine diamond grits, Tribology Letters, 46(1), (2012) 95-100. 2014 SCI IF:1.739

    65. ZY Zhang, FW Huo, YQ Wu, H Huang, Grinding of silicon wafers using an ultrafine diamond wheel of a hybrid bond material, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 51(1), (2011) 18-24. 2014 SCI IF:3.037

    66. ZY Zhang, YQ Wu, DM Guo, H Huang, Phase transformation of single crystal silicon induced by grinding with ultrafine diamond grits, Scripta Materialia, 64(2), (2011) 177-180. 2014 SCI IF:3.224

    67. ZY Zhang, YQ Wu, H Huang, New deformation mechanism of soft-brittle CdZnTe single crystals under nanogrinding, Scripta Materialia, 63(6), (2010) 621-624. 2014 SCI IF:3.224

    68. ZY Zhang, DM Guo, RK Kang, H Gao, ZJ Jin, YW Meng, Subsurface crystal lattice deformation machined by ultraprecision grinding of soft-brittle CdZnTe crystals, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 47(9-12), (2010) 1065-1081. 2014 SCI IF:1.458

    69. ZY Zhang, YW Meng, DM Guo, RK Kang, H Gao, Nanoscale machinability and subsurface damage machined by CMP of soft-brittle CdZnTe crystals, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 47(9-12), (2010) 1105-1112. 2014 SCI IF:1.458

    70. ZY Zhang, YW Meng, DM Guo, LL Wu, YJ Tian, RP Liu, Material Removal mechanism of soft-brittle CdZnTe wafers, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 46(5-8), (2010) 563-569. 2014 SCI IF:1.458

    71. DM Guo, ZY Zhang, RK Kang and H Gao, Nanocutting process of CdZnTe single crystals, Materials and Manufacturing Processes 24(4), (2009) 504-508.2014 SCI IF:1.629

    72. ZY Zhang, HX Zhou, DM Guo, DJ Wu and Y Tong, Photoluminescence enhancement induced by nanoparticles from La2O3 and CeO2 doped diamond-like carbon films, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 476(1-2), (2009) 318-323. 2014 SCI IF:2.999

    73. ZY Zhang, H Gao, WQ Jie, DM Guo, RK Kang and Y Li, Chemical mechanical polishing and nanomechanics of semiconductor CdZnTe single crystals, Semiconductor Science and Technology 23(10), (2008) 105023. 2014 SCI IF:2.19

    74. ZY Zhang, HX Zhou, DM Guo, H Gao and RK Kang, Optical characterization of hydrogen free CeO2 doped DLC films deposited by unbalanced magnetron sputtering, Applied Surface Science 255 (2008) 2655-2659. 2014 SCI IF:2.711

    75. ZY Zhang, DM Guo, ZJ Jin, RK Kang and H Gao, Unusual stress behaviour of La2O3- and CeO2-doped diamond-like carbon nanofilms, Philosophical Magazine Letters 88 (2008) 567-574. 2014 SCI IF:1.087

    76. ZY Zhang, ZY Jia, YQ Wang, FJ Wang and R Yang, Microstructure and characterization of La2O3 and CeO2 doped diamond-like carbon nanofilms, Surface and Coatings Technology 202 (2008) 5947-5952. 2014 SCI IF:1.998

    77. ZY Zhang, FW Huo, ZY Jia, DM Guo, ZJ Jin and RK Kang, Optical properties of La2O3 doped diamond-like carbon films, Applied Surface Science 254 (2008) 7193-7197. 2014 SCI IF:2.711

    78. ZY Zhang, ZY Jia, DM Guo, H Gao and RK Kang, Microstructure and tribological properties of LaxCeyO1-x-y composite nanofilms, Surface and Coatings Technology 202 (2008) 3897-3902. 2014 SCI IF:1.998


    80. ZY Zhang, XC Lu, DM Guo, J Xu and JB Luo, Microstructure and mechanical properties of CeO2 doped diamond-like carbon films, Diamond and Related Materials 17 (2008) 396-404. 2014 SCI IF:1.919

    81. ZY Zhang, XC Lu and JB Luo, Unusual stress behavior of CeO2 doped diamond-like carbon nanofilms, Philosophical Magazine Letters 88 (2008) 145-151. 2014 SCI IF:1.087

    82. ZY Zhang, XC Lu, JB Luo, Y Liu and CH Zhang, Mechanical properties of La2O3 doped diamond-like carbon films, Surface and Coatings Technology 202 (2008) 1621-1627. 2014 SCI IF:1.998

    83. ZY Zhang, XC Lu, JB Luo, Y Liu and CH Zhang, Preparation and characterization of La2O3 doped diamond-like carbon nanofilms (I): Structure analysis, Diamond and Related Materials 16 (2007) 1905-1911. 2014 SCI IF:1.919

    84. ZY Zhang, XC Lu, BL Han and JB Luo, Rare earth effect on the microstructure and wear resistance of Ni-based coatings, Materials Science and Engineering A454-455 (2007) 194-202. 2014 SCI IF:2.567

    85. ZY Zhang, XC Lu and JB Luo, Tribological properties of rare earth oxide added Cr3C2–NiCr coatings, Applied Surface Science 253 (2007) 4377-4385. 2014SCI IF:2.711

    86. ZY Zhang, XC Lu, BL Han and JB Luo, Rare earth effect on microstructure, mechanical and tribological properties of CoCrW coatings, Materials Science and Engineering A 444 (2007) 92-98. 2014 SCI IF:2.567

    87. ZY Zhang, XC Lu and JB Luo, Tribological properties of diamond-like carbon films deposited by pulsed laser arc deposition, Chinese Physics 16 (2007) 3790-3797. 2014 SCI IF:1.603

    88. ZY Zhang, XC Lu and JB Luo, Tribological properties of La2O3 and CeO2 doped CoCrW coatings deposited by supersonic plasma spraying, Chinese Science Bulletin 52 (2007) 3292-3298. 2014 SCI IF:1.579

    89. ZY Zhang, XC Lu, JB Luo, TM Shao, T Qing, CH Zhang, Preparation and tribological properties of DLC/Ti film by pulsed laser arc deposition, Chinese Physics 15 (2006) 2697-2705. 2014 SCI IF:1.603


    (1) ZY Zhang, R Irwan, H Huang, Machined surface characteristics and removal mechanism of soft and brittle solids, Key Engineering Materials 447-448 (2010) 183-187. EI: 20105213526765

    (2) ZY Zhang, B Wang, YX Song, Chemical mechanical polishing of soft-brittle cadmium zinc telluride wafers using a developed environment-friendly solution,Advanced Materials Research 1017 (2014) 720-725. EI: 20144900291403

    (3) ZY Zhang, BY Yuan, SL Huang, ZF Shi, Experimental investigation at relatively high speed scratching induced by a developed diamond tip, Advanced Materials Research 1136 (2015) 277-281.

    (4) SL Huang, ZY Zhang, JF Cui, S Yang, XG Guo, Deformation twinning of molecular dynamics simulation in a ternary titanium alloy under nanoindentation, Materials Science Forum 874 (2016) 328-332. EI: 20164302933145

    (5) ZF Shi, ZY Zhang, SL Huang, BY Yuan, XG Guo, P Zhou, ZJ Jin, Chemical mechanical polishing on extremely low expansion glass ceramic wafers, Materials Science Forum 874 (2016) 389-394. EI: 20164302933063

    (6) B Wang, ZY Zhang, JL Lv, GX Chen, ZH You, ZF Shi, SL Huang, Fabrication of nanotwinned surface on a nickel alloy using a developed diamond panel with tips array, Materials Science Forum 874 (2016) 3-8. EI: 20164302933140